Taller de Ideas ha ganado el concurso con un diseño con clara vocación funcional y sostenible,
sin olvidar a sus ocupantes.
Taller de Ideas has won the competition with a design with great functional, social and environmental vocation.
The Fundación IMDEA Networks Headquarters are planned as a true reflection of the institution philosophy:
Un edificio flexible. La modulación proyectada permitirá que en el futuro, en caso de ser necesario, los espacios puedan ver modificado su contenido y sigan perfectamente encajados en el diseño global.
A flexible building. Due to the plans modulation, the building might change, if necessary, its spatial layouts but not affecting the global design.
Un edificio eficaz. El diseño de todos los elementos se basa en la modulación y se asienta en una retícula que admite diversas composiciones interiores, con una racionalidad de funcionamiento que también es económica.
An effective building. Everythig is submitted to the grid that modules the building plans, so different working layouts are possible. The idea is to ensure a rational and economic working systems.
Un edificio eficiente. La volumetría propuesta y algunas de las claves de su diseño (unicidad, orientación, relación con la luz solar, etc.) son la base para una arquitectura bioclimática real.
An efficient building. The volumes proposed, and some key items in the design (wholeness, orientation, sunlight usage, etc.) are basic decisions in order to achieve a real bioclimatic architecture.

A representative building, looking for a powerful image, and also to translate the institution spirit that drives its activities.
Y finalmente, lo más importante, un edificio con alma. La organización de los espacios alrededor de un gran Lobby central, auténtico “corazón” del edificio, pretende fomentar la relación entre las personas, el intercambio de ideas y la identificación con el lugar de trabajo. El edificio debe resultar atractivo para las personas que allí desarrollan su actividad.
And the most important, a building with a soul. The space arrangement around a main Lobby, building´s heart, that aims to promote people relationship, ideas exchanging and personal identification with the working place. The building must be attractive for those who work there.

The proposed location seeks to make effective use of climate. Passive measures as simple as a proper orientation or a balanced sunlight income depending on the season, are key decisions to achieve a real bioclimatic building. Because of this approach, the design includes selective openings for the façades, green barriers, fabric visors and filters and also a big smart skylight.

The project tries to guarantee the main need of the client, an office building that may be used 24 hrs/day by young researchers from all around the world. An inclusive working space designed to encourage knowledge and experience exchange between its occupants.
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